Christian Parenting Tips: What the Bible Says

Christian Parenting Tips: What the Bible Says

Parenting is one of life’s greatest fulfillment but also one of its biggest challenges. As Christian parents, we have the added responsibility of raising our children according to biblical principles. 

Biblical Principles of Child Training

One of the most important jobs given to parents is training children according to God’s word. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (ESV) This passage shows that biblical child training involves intentionally and consistently guiding children to embrace righteousness from an early age. Some key principles of child training from the Bible include:

  • Start young – Begin teaching your children about God, prayer, obedience, and character from infancy using simple language suitable for their age and development. Consistently showing them God’s love builds a foundation of faith.
  • Model godliness – Children learn more from what parents do than what they say. Your godly behavior, self-control, honesty, kindness and respect for others will powerfully teach your children to follow suit.
  • Use loving discipline – Discipline should always come from a place of caring for the well-being and eternal destiny of your child, never anger or harshness. Spanking may be occasionally necessary for younger kids, but yelling should be avoided. Time-outs, removing privileges, and natural consequences work well too.
  • Prioritize Scripture – Diligently read the Bible together each day and discuss what God teaches. Memorizing key passages helps kids hide God’s word in their hearts. Setting aside Bible study as a daily routine will ensure God’s wisdom remains central to your family life and your children’s upbringing.

Making God’s word the foundation and priority in your home through loving discipline, personal example, and quality time in Scripture will allow His principles to effectively shape your children according to His perfect will.

Biblical Parenting Styles

The Bible does not dictate a single parenting style but provides principles all godly styles uphold. Here are three common Christian parenting approaches and how biblical values shape each:

Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents rely heavily on command and obedience with little compromise or explanation. While respect and swift submission to authority are biblical values, this may not cultivate the close parent-child bond that creates a desire within children to follow God willingly out of love rather than obligation alone. Too much rigidity could discourage open communication.

Permissive Parenting

On the other end of the spectrum, permissive parents are highly accepting but set few behavioral limits and demands. With little discipline or structure, children are unlikely to learn self-control or discern between right and wrong. The Bible calls for parents to instructively guide children toward making moral choices, not just be their friends.

Authoritative Parenting

An authoritative style blends elements of the previous two by combining high expectations with warmth, caring explanations, and opportunities for input. Parents enforce biblical standards firmly yet lovingly. This approach best cultivates the balance of instruction, respect, and intimate relationships that the Bible promotes. Warm explanations nurture trust, so children obey from conviction rather than fear of punishment alone.

All styles have their pros and cons, so pray and reflect on which most honors biblical principles while suiting your child’s needs and temperament. Consistency, wisdom, and love are the keys to aligning any style with God’s commands for nurturing children according to His word.

Parenting in a Christian Family

Obviously, Christian principles call us to shape our homes as places where faith is nurtured, and Jesus is central. Here are some specific ways you can do that:

Make Prayer a Priority

God instructs parents to teach children diligently about Him. (Deut. 6:7) Praying together regularly not only talks to God but shows kids how we depend on Him daily. Try praying before meals, at bedtime and in stressful moments to establish it as a natural family habit.

Regular Church Attendance

Sunday worship is vital for nurturing children’s faith by connecting to the body of Christ, learning God’s word from preaching, and drawing closer to Him through sacraments. Bringing kids consistently also teaches them the importance of corporate worship.

Faith Conversations

Look for opportunities throughout each day to discuss God’s truths – while driving, at meals, and during chores. Ask questions about what your children are learning at church and have faith-building discussions rather than just telling them what to believe.

Spiritual Role Models

Spend time with other church families who will positively influence your kids and show them faith lived out. Additionally, surround children with relatives, friends, and leaders who exemplify Christ-like character through their example and conversations.

A home rooted in prayer, Scripture study, corporate worship, and Christian association provides essential spiritual nourishment and community to support your children in developing a lifelong relationship with their Savior.

Also Read: Positive Parenting: A Proven Approach for Raising Confident, Successful Kids

Benefits of Godly Parenting

When following biblical principles, the rewards of godly parenting are plentiful. Honoring God in how you raise children leads to many benefits including:

  • Stronger family bonds – Time in God’s word together, family devotions, and consistent parental involvement bring you closer to your kids.
  • Healthier self-image – Children raised with unconditional love and acceptance despite mistakes are less likely to struggle with perfectionism and self-worth later in life.
  • Happier worldview – Belief in an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator provides stability, comfort, and optimism in times of difficulty or uncertainty.
  • Social-emotional skills – Biblical morals like compassion, respect, responsibility, and self-control equip children with healthier relationships and greater success in school, career, and life endeavors.
  • Transferable faith – God uses faith-centered parenting to impart eternal spiritual principles that often continue benefiting future generations as children raise their own families.
  • Wisdom in decision making – Choosing long-term consequences over momentary desires, along with prayerful consideration of biblical truths, prevents many painful mistakes.

Truly, the greatest advantage of a Christ-centered upbringing is developing a personal relationship with our heavenly Father that endures for eternity. God promises “the commandment brings holiness” (Rom. 7:12) to all who follow His ways.

How to be a Good Parent According to the Bible

The Bible provides clear guidance for parents wanting to honor God through their parenting:

  • Love your children. The greatest commandments are to love God and others. Showing unconditional affection cultivates security and trust. (Deut. 6:5; Mark 12:30-31)
  • Spend quality time together. Make your kids a priority over other distractions. Eat meals together, have fun doing activities, talk, and listen to truly know them. (Deut. 6:7; Eph. 6:4)
  • Model godliness. The example you set through personal holiness, integrity, and character will powerfully shape kids for good far more than words alone. (Deut. 4:9-10; Eph. 5:1-2)
  • Teach Scripture daily. Faithfully read the Bible, explain its meaning, and help kids apply truths to life through family devotions, discussion, and memorization. (Deut. 6:6-9; Prov. 22:6)
  • Pray consistently. Bringing your children before God demonstrates dependence on Him. Short, frequent prayers allow kids to participate and establish prayer as a lifelong habit. (1 Thess. 5:17; Matt. 6:5-13)
  • Use loving discipline. Correct with patience, wisdom, and for their ultimate benefit – never in anger. Understand children’s unique personalities and needs. (Prov. 13:24; 19:18; Eph. 6:4)
  • Let them see you pray. Model a vibrant prayer life through your thankful, dependent, faithful communication with God. (1 Thess. 5:17; James 5:16)

Loving God, reverencing His word, and cherishing each child as a unique gift will help parents fulfill their duty to nurture the next generation in faith.


What does God say in the Bible about parenting?

The Bible provides clear and thorough guidance for Christian parents. God commands us to diligently teach our children about Him from infancy, make prayer a priority in our homes, model Christ-like character, and discipline lovingly according to biblical wisdom. His desire is for families to establish godliness as their foundation in order to shape children spiritually and nurture eternal life through faith.

How can I be a better Christian parent?

Some practical steps to improve include spending quality time with your kids daily, praying together consistently, attending church faithfully, openly discussing scripture at meals and before bed, surrounding them with Christian role models, engaging in family devotions, modeling Christ-like character through patience and self-control, and lovingly disciplining according to biblical principles rather than harshness or permissiveness. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.

How do you raise a child in a godly way?

Some key aspects of raising a child in a godly way include making your relationship with God and living according to His word the top priority in your family. This involves regularly reading the Bible together, praying as a family daily, attending church faithfully, and having respectful faith-focused discussions. It’s also important to be disciplined lovingly with patience, wisdom, and understanding according to biblical principles. Additional aspects are modeling humility, kindness, generosity, and integrity in your own words and actions, surrounding children with other godly Christian influences, and establishing a home environment filled with joy, praise for God, and service to others.

What does God expect from us as parents?

God expects parents to shepherd children spiritually through establishing biblical principles and modeling faith in our homes. Key expectations from God for parents include teaching His commands diligently from youth, making prayer and worship routines central to family life, using loving discipline guided by wisdom and mercy rather than harshness, providing for material needs with integrity and hard work as able, cherishing each child and tending to their unique emotional and developmental needs, and pointing them repeatedly to their Savior so they may know Him and one day faithfully serve Him themselves.

How do you discipline your child without yelling or hitting?

Some highly effective discipline alternatives that don’t rely on yelling, anger, or physical punishment include natural consequences whenever possible, time-outs where the child calmly removes themselves from an enjoyable activity or space for a brief period, removal of privileges such as screen time or toys as needed, open communication to help them understand why a behavior is unacceptable, positive reinforcement of good choices, extra chores or tasks to restore order or make amends, earlier bedtimes if anger or disrespect continue after correction, and enlisting spiritual guidance through prayer and scripture reading together. Consistency, patience, and the expression of your care for their well-being are key.

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